Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy explains how Imaginations Art collects, stores, uses and protects any personal information that you give to us when you make an online or in-person purchase or contact our customer services team.

This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you, in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).

We are required under data protection legislation to notify you of the information contained in this privacy notice.

Imaginations Art will collect, store, and use some or all of the following categories of personal information about you depending on your interaction with us:

  • Your name and title
  • Your birthday/DOB
  • Contact details such as your email, home or shipping address and phone number(s)
  • Marketing and communication preferences;
  • Your views, comments and opinions
  • Purchase/returns history
  • Payment information, such as card details and billing address
  • Feedback forms and requests

We may also collect, store and use the following highlighted categories of more sensitive personal information:

  • Information to defend any claim brought against us, this may include medical data or copyright information.

Records of criminal activity at our craft fairs, stores and online fraud.

Your personal information will only be used when the law allows us to. Most commonly, in the following circumstances:

• Performing a contract as a purchase is made from us
• Your consent to the processing, i.e receiving marketing
• Our compliance with a legal obligation, i.e accounting records
• Our legitimate interests (or third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. This could include the use of keeping customer services records
• To protect your interests

Your data will be used to provide the service you have requested along with ensuring our business runs smoothly. This may include:

  • Where it is in our legitimate interest to do so or you have given your consent to send promotions about new products and latest offers by email, SMS, phone or post
  • To contact you for market research purposes via email, text, phone or post
  • Customer service management
  • To manage your online account and order processing
  • Post prizes that have been won when entering competitions
  • To send you a birthday greeting
  • Take payment for items you have ordered or refunded requests
  • Delivery details and notifications by SMS and email
  • Response to legal claims
  • For health & safety
  • Loss prevention i.e monitoring our website for suspicious or fraudulent activity
  • Review traffic and usage of website to improve developments, our products and services
  • Notify you about changes to our website, products and your account
  • Comply with any applicable law, legal process or enforcement by any regulatory body which is binding 

Failure to provide certain information may result in the inability to perform the contract we have entered into with you (i.e delivering a product you have ordered from us or issuing a refund).

When you use our website or social media platforms you may be able to share information, like, comment, leave reviews through social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. When doing this your data may be visible to providers of social network services and their users, as well as Imaginations Art. Please consider the privacy settings on your social media accounts so that you are aware of how your information is processed and used.

We do not sell, rent, loan, trade or otherwise disclose your personal information, except as described in this policy.

Security measures are in place to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in any unlawful way. In addition, we limit access to your personal information to our employees and third parties who have a business need to know. Your personal information will only be processed on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

Procedures are in place to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.

Your personal information will only be retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the collection purposes, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

  • Request access or correction to personal information
  • Request erasure of your personal information or object to processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal information or transfer of your personal information to another party

There is no fee to access your personal information. However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive. We have the right to refuse to comply with the request in such circumstances.

You may be asked for information to confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information or other rights. This is a security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

Data processors updated
04 August 2022